

How to choose a ripe Watermelon?

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How do you choose a ripe Watermelon?

have you ever wondered, why people tapping on watermelons in the super markets before picking one? Well this is a way of choosing a ripe Watermelon.

This is how you do it: Hold the Watermelon in one hand and tapping firmly at the middle of the melon. When tapping, use all your hand and not just fingers .

You are looking to hear a hollow sound…like beating a drum. You feel that the sound bouncing back to your hand.

I always pick Watermelons by this tapping technique and it never goes wrong! 🙂

Winter is approaching and not to forget that Watermelon is our best friend when it comes to cough and cold, soar throat or flu. Watermelon is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which strengthen the immune system so it can fight the infections.


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